Monday, April 2, 2007


This past Sunday night was the first meeting of The Foundry. I guess i can take credit with the naming of this new community. well, maybe for throwing the idea out there, we voted on it.

It is my hope for this meeting/community/worship gathering will indeed be a Foundry.

found·ry /ˈfaʊndri/
noun, plural -ries.
1. an establishment for producing castings in molten metal.
2. the act or process of founding

I like definition # 2 (the process of founding) it gives us a 2 fold meaning.

1. the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new
2. To melt (metal) and pour into a mold.

This is something new and fresh for the Bangor Corps and for most of us attending. The goal isn't just to start something new though. The goal is to be melted, and molded, and through that process purified. As a result of us being molded and purified we're able to then accomplish the purpose God has for us. It's a great process because it's cyclical, in that once we're molded and have accomplished our purpose for a time we can be re-melted and molded again into something different.

It's my prayer that we'll all continue to grow and be melted and molded and purified over and over again.

May God Bless The Foundry.

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